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| [[The Lark]]
| The Lark thinks of the party more as individuals than a whole. He sees Gael as an excellent apprentice, one with shared sensibilities towards scientific exploration. He has no real opinions on Pine, which is a little worrying given that the Lark previously granted Pine some of his power. He pities Versa, and does not blame her for how she acts towards him given her history; nevertheless, he wishes to study her under a microscope.
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| [[Warble]]
| One thing Warble misses about the cult is that they didn’t think they’d like or miss farming. They may go back to it in the future, combining alchemy, artifice, and agriculture.
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| [[Kallas]]
| What does he do to relax? He doesnt relax. ever.
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| [[Dandy]] and [[Einhard]]
| They are having a ball on the ship being mothered by [[Hex]]. Versa is mildly jealous that she missed out on that.
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| [[Versa|Ire]]
| Ire has a dozen or so followers in each major city in Rottia, but no established temples. She is always depicted as having wings.
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