This timeline is a broad chronological overview of events in Itoran history. For more specific and detailed timelines for each campaign, see timeline of Campaign 1.
Notes and explanations
This time line uses the Gregorian calendar, as is standard for the setting.
Most dates outside campaign events are approximate. For example, sources will often say something like "400 years ago" or "a millennium ago," which obviously isn't meant to be exact. Likewise, many dates are described as "less than" or "more than" or "nearly" some number of years ago. A character's birth year is generally their age subtracted from the year when the age is mentioned, though of course that could be off by one year if, for example, the age is mentioned earlier in the year than that character's birthday. This language should be included in the citation for clarity.
Age of Dawn
Age of Bounty
Age of Resilience
1 to 299 WSK
300 to 309 WSK
310 to 319 WSK
320 to 329 WSK
330 to 339 WSK
340 to 349 WSK
350 to 352 WSK
353 WSK
354 WSK
Other timelines