Friend Facts

From Itora Wiki

Friend Facts are canon trivia or tidbits that are established out-of-character at the top of a session. Their purpose is to allow players to flesh out their characters with information that may not be easily woven into the in-character narrative.

Campaign 1





NPC Friend Facts

Session Character Fact
"Smoke Powder Plot" (1x40) Cynthia Morris Morris has two dogs, both rescues - a Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd.
"A Taste of Defeat" (1x41) Kismet Kismet has been writing fan fiction ever since she learned the read and determined that she could make better stories than what she was reading. Over time, she's moved away from reading in general, and now writes entirely OC fiction or writes fan fiction based on real life people and events.
"A Soul Returned" (1x42) Friend Friend regularly talks to the other familiars/companions in the party and they gossip about the party members.
"Furry Explosion" (1x43) Kevin Kevin routinely spends his time on the Avarice carrying random objects and crewmembers from place to place. As a result, he requires a high calorie diet, which used to take the form of inhaling any food or swallow-able objects in the vicinity. Now that he can somehow obtain actual food of his own power, he's stopped eating random bullshit.
